Sunday, July 12, 2009

Intensity Matters...

        Hi friends, how ya doing? I firmly believe in the concept of  intensity. Involving intensity in doing some task or doing anything. Well, I'm not talking about the Intensity terms of physics that nerdy term which says that-
intensity is a measure of the time averaged energy flux."

       I'm talking about intensity in general, You'll get me after reading further. I think  one should do everything with intensity, if you are doing study then do it with intensity means with full concentration, devotion and dedication. I belive that "Half hour of study with full concentration is equivalent to 4 hour study"...I believe in this concept very much. Though I'm just an average student but what i know that i hardly study 4-6 hour in each subject that too before the exam day. I think if any other fella try to do this then might be that guy get backlog in the subject.

Not only just study Intensity is a thing one should involve in friendship too. The way you behave with your friend, co-ordiality, warmness, your honesty....blah..blah...everything needs intensity. I dont believe in the old saying that Old friend is gold, i think if you have a new friend who is very warm and cordial and an old friend who is feeling less and cold then intensity of that new friend inclined you towards him rather than that old one. And its quite obvious.

Anyways back to the Intensity, Intensity is a very important concept for guys who go to gym for workout. The aim of the guy is to get a good physique with bulging biceps, V-shape body and 8 pack abs. That aim can't be achieve without intenstiy. I'm not a guy with muscular physique but still i have a good lean physique without fat.
So here m revealing that concept, the High Intensity workout concept of Mike mentzer (a former body builder), according to it you gotta workout within short duration without taking much rest. Means dont do workout for 2 hrs or more, 45 min is sufficient. And in every set, try to go to muscular failure means if you are able to do 10 raps with difficulty then try to go beyond 10, or take support if necessary so that after that particular set you get soreness in your muscle. 
Well there are leading personalities who uses this concept like Aamir khan who is known for doing 1 movie in 1 time, he put his full intensity in learning character which he is going to play, this is the reason for his success. So, here's all about intensity.